The Preparation of a Chester County Bankruptcy Petition

Chester County Bankruptcy Petition

Bankruptcy petitions must be properly and completely prepared, both in their totality and in their technical aspects.  The bankruptcy clerk may reject a petition if they are not technically correct.  This one one of the big reasons why you hire a Chester County bankruptcy lawyer to help you with the bankruptcy process.  The forms include the schedules (A-J), the Statement of Financial Affairs, and the Means Test Calculation.  

Other Requirements for a Chester County Bankruptcy Petition

A bankruptcy attorney must sign every petition, pleading, and motion.  You must also sign the bankruptcy petition and your attorney must maintain that original document.  This requirement is controlled via Rule 1008.  

If your bankruptcy forms are incomplete or incorrect, you may be deprived of rights or property to which you may otherwise be entitled to.  Or, in the alternative, your attorney may be sanctioned or may have to file additional motions or amended schedules and statements to correct the problems.  Thus, it makes sense for time, economics, and professional obligations, to prepare these forms properly and correctly.