Emergency Petition Requirements
An emergency bankruptcy petition may be filed. This encompasses only a few pages from the start of the bankruptcy to stop a sheriff sale, judgment, etc. Then, after filing the emergency petition, the person has 15 days to file the remaining schedules. Your Chester County bankruptcy lawyer can get an extension of normally 15 days by filing a Motion to Extend the time period.
You will still have to do the pre-bankruptcy credit counseling prior to filing the emergency petition. The cost of this ranges between $15-$50. It will take you normally 60 minutes on-line or on the phone (your option). It is not hard, but you must take the time to get it done. You will also have to get together any creditors you need notified of the emergency filing. This is typically done with a mortgage company who is seeking to execute a sheriff sale and you are filing an emergency petition to stop it.
Regular Petition Requirements
Your attorney in Chester County is going to have to get all of your assets and debts. In addition, all of your income and expenses will be needed for the filing of the petition. These all go on the bankruptcy schedules. You may have to get your credit report (for a free one, go to www.annualcreditreport.com). All of this takes times and you must be sure to have everything complete and documented. You don't want to forget about a source of income (i.e. rental income) or forget about a second home!