Income on the Means Test Part 3

Other Income on Means Test

So, in previous months I've covered normal income on the means test and less normal income.  Now, I want to cover "income from all other sources", which is included on Line 9 of the means test for Chester County bankruptcies.  

Again, it does not matter whether this income is taxable or not.  Think hard -- do you deliver newspapers?  Babysit?  Have a part-time job?  Are an Avon salesperson?  All this income must be included.  Private disability income is not included as "other income".  Do you have a lunch truck and only get paid in cash?  You must include it.  Again, think about all of your side jobs, gigs, hustles, and work.  This will all be added in.  


If, however, you are receiving reimbursement from expenses from work, you do not have to include this as income.  Mileage reimbursement?  You are all good and do not have to include it.  Again, this makes sense -- you are essentially being brought back to zero with these reimbursements as you spent the money and will be getting reimbursed.  

Line 10 is the subtotal and Line 11 is the total (where both spouses are added up).  This is where you must double-check your Chester County bankruptcy lawyer's numbers and your own.  Make sure they make sense and the income makes sense.